Game experience

International Ice Hockey Federation

The World Ice Hockey Championship is the biggest sporting event in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Latvia. In all of these places, together with Livebros, we prepared the game experience for the spectacular championships.




from 2019

Our services

Game experience

Creating experiences

The World Championship is an annual event regularly attended by the best hockey players in the world. Go4Gold works with the IIHF or local federations to ensure that fans have the experience of a lifetime.

Together with Livebros, we create the concept of game experience for hockey championships – we create audio-visual content and manage the show at individual matches. 

The Ice Hockey World Championship is a very special event for fans. Fans come from all over the world to watch it and they want to have fun, both inside and outside the arena.

All over Europe

Our team has been part of world championships in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Latvia. In some of them we cooperated with the organizing federations, in others directly with the IIHF.

Every spectator deserves the ultimate fan experience!

IEven when creating motion graphics on LED displays, the pencil is your best friend.

This was truly a challenge! For the Ice Hockey World Championship in Prague and Ostrava, we were given the difficult task of transforming the specific cartoon visual of the championship into something that would work in a full arena.



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Praha 5, 155 00

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Bank account: 3910662349/0800


Karlínské náměstí 238/6,
Praha 8, Karlín, 186 00
Czech Republic

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